Ian Brown is a rural entrepreneur; indeed he has a Masters degree in it from the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Durham. He has matured into a rural visionary and an inveterate networker who is often an honest broker in difficult rural challenges.

His “pedigree” is his family background and a family tradition of farming – three generations of tenant farmers at Lee Moor Farm but many more forebears elsewhere in Northumberland. His management of Lee Moor shows a strong sense of stewardship – and the eye for landscape you’d expect from a descendant of Capability Brown’s lineage.

His approach to business reveals the pragmatic motivation of a farmer and father working in today’s economic and political climate, a belief in the power of networking – in its best sense, of open communication and honest cooperation – and sheer personal entrepreneurial flair. Not to mention dogged determination! He enjoys what he does.

Ian is available as a sustainability consultant and as such will give his expertise in such areas as trends, futuring, leadership, networking and rural funding. His own business activity stands testament to the value he can bring to your business.
